HOW-TO: Quizzes

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit 20 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


quiz iconBackground and Preparation:

This is a Canvas Quiz! Faculty use Quizzes in Canvas for everything from a quick reading check to a major exam. This complex tool lets you manage a wide range of features: question types from short-answer to multiple drop-downs; access and security settings; time limits and randomization. This Guide (or the video below) provides the basics of how Quizzes work in Canvas.

Top-5 Checklist When Creating A Quiz:

  1. Manage Settings Carefully. Quizzes give you lots of control: multiple attempts, shuffled answers, when to display correct answers... it can seem complex to the uninitiated! Consult with Academic Technology well in advance to make sure you've covered everything.
  2. Build Engaging Questions. 4-answer multiple-choice is only the beginning of what's possible! The variety of question types lets you challenge students beyond the first levels of Bloom's taxonomy.
  3. Use Question Banks. Rather than providing the same static 20 questions for every student for every attempt, building Quizzes with Question Banks can give each student a different experience each time...and discourage dishonesty.
  4. Moderate Quizzes. You can provide extra time, or extra attempts, to individual students as needed.
  5. Shrink the Feedback Loop. Using auto-graded question types gives students immediate feedback - a powerful reinforcement!

Your Task (10 minutes):

Take this Quiz. (It's fun and easy.) Notice the settings we've used to build this Quiz (e.g. time limit), and how they affect your experience when you take it.

You'll need to score at least 8 points to unlock the next item. (Don't worry, you can re-take it! :-)

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes