HOW-TO: Grades and Assignment Index

  • Due No due date
  • Points 10
  • Questions 10
  • Time Limit 20 Minutes
  • Allowed Attempts Unlimited


Grades iconContext and Preparation:

In the Grades area, faculty see the total, "spreadsheet"-style view of students' scores, while students see their individual scores, running averages, and instructor feedback. To generate the Grades area, you'll first build your Assignments Index, which will then automatically populate the Gradebook. This Guide (or the video below) provides a detailed overview of how to build the Assignments Index.

Top-5 Checklist When Creating Your Gradebook via the Assignments Index:

  1. Weight Assignment Groups. Your syllabus may state that Discussions are worth 15% and Essays are worth 20%; make sure you've built those percentages into the Assignment Index! Read more about weighting Assignment Groups.
  2. Use Grading Rules. If you want to set specific rules (e.g. to drop the X lowest scores in a Group), be sure to build those rules into the Assignment Index. Read more about creating Grading Rules.
  3. Use Accurate Points. Assignments in the same Group will be proportional to their point-values: a 20-point Essay will be double the value of a 10-point Essay. Make sure you've assigned point-values intentionally! Read more about editing points.
  4. Avoid Empty Groups. Assignment Groups aren't gradable - they're only containers. E.g., if you create a Group called "Participation" worth 10%, you'll still need to create an Assignment within that Group before you can assign any grades. Read more about populating Assignment Groups.
  5. Plan for Transparency. Students always see their current average in Canvas, and get immediate Notifications when you enter grades. Make sure your grading practices will give students an accurate, ongoing picture of their progress. For example, in a blended course, your Gradebook should include both in-person and online Assignments.

Your Task (10 minutes):

Take this Quiz to demonstrate your knowledge of Grades and the Assignment Index in Canvas, and your readiness to use them effectively.

You must earn at least a score of 9 on this Quiz to advance. (You can re-take the Quiz if you need to! :-)

Only registered, enrolled users can take graded quizzes