4.6 | Media Submission

4.6 | Media Submission

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About Media Submission Assignments

In some cases, you may need to submit or upload a video/audio file to an assignment in Canvas. You can also use Canvas to record an audio or video file to submit as an assignment. Alternatively, you can upload an audio or video file that you have saved on your computer.  


Record or Upload an Audio or Video File

animation of the process outlined below


      1. Select the "Submit Assignment" button in the top-right corner of the screen.  
      2. Be sure the "Media Submission" tab is selected.
      3. Select "Record/Upload Media," then select the "Upload" or "Record" tab depending on how you want to submit. (NOTE: view the example above.)
      4. Choose the correct file type: Audio or Video.
      5. Select the file from your computer’s drive and choose open.
      6. When your file has uploaded, select "Submit Assignment."


If you are recording a submission for the first time, you will need to give Canvas permission to access your camera and microphone. Follow the directions on your device to allow access. 

There is also a space to leave a comment for your instructor. Assignments can be re-submitted until the last availability date that your instructor has set for the assignment. Once submitted, you cannot delete your submission. 

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