9.8 | Replying to a Discussion

9.8 | Replying to a Discussion

Student App Module Banner

About Discussion in the Student App

You can reply to a discussion through your student app. When posting a reply, you can include images and files in your post depending on the permissions that have been set by your instructor.


Replying to a Discussion

animation of the process outlined below


      1. Choose either the "Modules" or "Discussions" tab in the course menu.
      2. Locate and select a discussion.
      3. Click the "Reply" button to enter your response. 
      4. When finished, click the "Send" or "Done" button to submit your reply.


Some features within the Student App vary by version and device. This demo has been done on an iPad (iOS) tablet. Check the Canvas Mobile Guides Links to an external site. for device-specific details.

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